(Illustration by Matt Lubchansky)
Hello! Registration for June’s freelance panels is now open! And I’m thrilled to introduce topic-based panels, the biggest request I’ve gotten since starting. Most Sundays will now be one themed panel at 3 p.m. Eastern time, followed by a general panel, during which you can ask questions on any topic — like pitching, general career questions, working with editors, money, etc. — at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time.
Here’s what’s on the schedule for this month. Click on each link to sign up for that session:
June 7
1 p.m. Eastern time: Making it as a POC in journalism
3 p.m. Eastern time: How to be a better freelancer
4:30 p.m. Eastern time: How to be a better freelancer
June 14
3 p.m. Eastern time: Non-news freelancing and leaving the industry. What else is out there?
4:30 p.m. Eastern time: How to be a better freelancer
June 21
3 p.m. Eastern time: For journalism students and new grads: How to make it as a journalist
4:30 p.m. Eastern time: How to be a better freelancer
June 28
3 p.m. Eastern time: How to improve your writing
4:30 p.m. Eastern time: How to write personal essays
To view all of June’s sessions on one page, click here, and follow me on Twitter for panel updates throughout the week. (And please feel free to share this with and/or forward this to any journalists or organizations who might be interested!)
Three quick things:
1. I’d like to introduce Nicole Clark, who for the last few weeks has been helping behind the scenes to keep this project running — this would be impossible without her. You’ll hear from her in this newsletter, and she’ll be a regular presence at the Sunday panels. (If you’re looking for a talented freelancer, hire her!)
To make sure this doesn’t hit your junk folder, mark these emails “not spam!”
2. Lots of folks have expressed interest in helping to fund this project. This is so incredibly thoughtful of you, and I’m sincerely touched. I’m fortunate to be in the position to be able to fund this out of pocket, so just to be clear: You do not need to contribute money to participate in sessions. But if you would like to help out, here’s the deal.
Expenses for maintaining this are:
$65/month: Zoom costs
$300/month: Administrative assistance ($15 per hour, five hours per week)
SO. If you would like to donate, here is my PayPal. Anything above the costs for maintaining this — $365 per month — will be contributed to the Journalist Furlough Fund. I’ll publish receipts of contributions in this newsletter every month.
3. We’re interested in building something this community can center around — maybe a dedicated Slack? Is that something you’d be interested in? Please email us if so at freelancingwithtim@gmail.com and put “Community” in the subject line. We want to hear your ideas!
That’s it for now! Thank you SO much for your interest in this project, see you Sunday!
Stay safe,