(Illustration by Matt Lubchansky)
Hello! Let’s talk about August’s panels! We have some absolute barn-burners coming up this month, and I am SO beyond excited!! Take a look below, and click each link to sign up for that session — feel free to sign up for as many as you’d like! (All times are Eastern.)
August 9
3 p.m.: Partner panel with Permission to Write: Making it as a BIPOC in journalism
4:30 p.m.: How to write better service journalism
August 16
3 p.m.: The business of freelancing: Contracts, rates, platforms and more
4:30 p.m.: How to launch and host a podcast
6:30 p.m.: Special Event: Ask Tim Anything Hour!
August 23
3 p.m.: The art of structuring a longform story
4:30 p.m.: Pitch perfect: Everything to know about pitching stories
August 30
3 p.m.: So you want to write a book
4:30 p.m.: How to start and grow a newsletter
Want more insider advice about crafting, pitching and getting paid for your stories? Subscribe to get it right in your inbox, along with information about upcoming free Zoom panels about making it as a freelancer.
To view all of August’s sessions on one page, click here, and follow me on Twitter for panel updates throughout the week. (I’ll be announcing a few special guests this month on Twitter, so keep an eye out!)
And, as always, please feel free to share this with and/or forward this to any journalists or organizations who might be interested!
Oh, a few other things …
• OK so. Remember how I said last month I was thinking about subscriptions to keep Freelancing With Tim going? After taking in all your feedback … today I’m doing a ~soft launch~ of subscriptions. SO. If you have found FWT valuable and helpful, I would be so grateful if you subscribed to my Patreon here so I can keep doing these Sunday panels and these weekly newsletters (and so much more! Upgrade memberships include twice as many newsletters, more Zoom panels, pitch feedback, a future video archive and all kinds of stuff!).
I’m still refining it all (particularly how sponsorships will work), so it might slightly change, but I promise promise promise it’ll always be worth your money. That said: Everything you’ve been getting — the weekly newsletter and the Sunday panels — is still free, and that’s all going to stay free. That’s the point! But if you find any of this useful and you’ve got a few bucks to spare, I would SO appreciate if you subscribed!!!
• Freelance superstar Anna Goldfarb — whomst I did a Q&A with the other week — recently did a Twitter thread about coming up with story ideas, and it’s absolutely invaluable. Check it out here.
• FWT is now on Instagram! Follow us here. There’s gonna be sooooo much great video stuff there very soon!
• As always, send questions, comments, thoughts, cute pet photos or anything else to freelancingwithtim@gmail.com, and follow me on Twitter for updates throughout the week.
Okay bye ily!
-Tim ❤️