(Illustration by Matt Lubchansky)
Hello! Registration for July’s freelance panels is now open! And goodness do we have a stacked schedule this month. Most Sundays will be one themed panel, usually at 3 p.m. Eastern time, followed by a general-advice panel, during which you can ask questions on any topic — like pitching, general career questions, working with editors, money, etc. — at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time.
Here’s what’s on the schedule. Click each link to sign up for that session:
July 12
3 p.m.: So you want to publish a book
4:30 p.m.: How to be a better freelancer
July 19
3 p.m.: Travel writing during a pandemic
4:30 p.m.: How to be a better freelancer
July 26
3 p.m.: Let’s talk about writing and story ideas
4:30 p.m.: The business of freelancing
August 2
3 p.m.: The art of structuring a longform story
4:30 p.m.: How to be a better freelancer
Want more insider advice about freelancing? Subscribe to get it right in your inbox, along with information about upcoming free Zoom panels about making it as a freelancer.
To view all of July’s sessions on one page, click here, and follow me on Twitter for panel updates throughout the week. (I’ll be announcing a few special guests this month on Twitter, so keep an eye out!)
And, as always, please feel free to share this with and/or forward this to any journalists or organizations who might be interested!
Oh, a few other things …
• If you’d like to donate to help offset costs for this project, here is my PayPal. Anything above the costs for maintaining this — $365 per month — will be contributed to the Journalist Furlough Fund. I’ll publish receipts of contributions in this newsletter every month. Reminder: You do not need to contribute money to participate in Zoom sessions.
• I want to flag two incredibly useful Tweets and one with some great longreads from this week:
This one, from Rolling Stone writer Ej Dickson, which has thousands of responses to the question: What’s the best reporting advice you’ve gotten during your career? (Don’t forget to click the Retweets and comments button to see all of the quote-tweet answers.)
This one, from freelance writer — and panelist this month — Kat Boogaard, in which she links to a post of six lessons she’s learned from six years of freelancing.
This one, from yours truly, to which people replied with their favorite longform stories of the past decade.
• Next week in this newsletter I’ll publish a full recording of the Zoom panel on writing better personal essays. Make sure you’re subscribed to get it!
• Email me with questions, comments, thoughts, cute pet photos or anything else at freelancingwithtim@gmail.com
Okay bye ily!
-Tim ❤️