Hello friends! Welcome to Freelancing With Tim, a newsletter designed to help you navigate and thrive in the industry. If you like what you’re reading, please consider a paid subscription. Paid subs get access to all past and future paid-only posts, the full archive of recorded Zoom workshops, a roundup of what a bunch of publications pay freelance writers, tips for diversifying your freelance income, 50% off all Zoom workshops, and much more. Click here to see options to subscribe!
Okay first off: Yes, 2024 is less than a month away! Get excited, and let’s lay down a few concrete things that can serve as guideposts for the coming year.
This newsletter is a little different from the normal ones I send out. I’d love for you to leave a comment on this post with one or two goals for next year. This can be anything: earn X amount of income; finish a book proposal; get published in a publication you’ve been chasing; start a newsletter; anything! I really want to build out more of a community among this group, and I think starting out the new year knowing what all of us are trying to achieve is a great way to get there.
If you need a refresher on setting reasonable, realistic, achievable goals, this is a great place to start: Don’t Waste Your Time With Bad Resolutions. This Is How to Do Them Right. Just swap “resolutions” with “goals,” because who even bothers with New Year’s resolutions anymore lol.
I’ll start with my goals:
Expand my video workshop offerings
Start doing live, IRL FWT events (very open to ideas if you have them)
Do more speaking engagements
Expand my consulting business
Get health insurance (lol I know, I know, I had this same one last year. Hey, can’t win ’em all!)
I have a lot of smaller goals, but these are the big ones that will take a lot of effort but that are totally achievable.
Now it’s your turn. Drop your 2024 goals in the comments, and let’s all help each other thrive!
Hiii! I'd like to:
1 - Renew my vows to my newsletter, Disco Diaries, grow its audience, and build out a schedule rather than fly by the seat of my pants
2 - Pitch stories that thrill me instead of always going for low-hanging fruit
3 - Become more aware of my time, where it goes, and how to use it intentionally
Good luck, y'all! Happy almost 2024!
Thanks for asking Tim! My goals are to get a few more regular writing clients and to put more effort into my newsletter. So far, both of these are happening already!