Thanks for asking Tim! My goals are to get a few more regular writing clients and to put more effort into my newsletter. So far, both of these are happening already!
Hi!! ohh I love reading people's goals! Makes it so real. IRL events, Tim! I'd love this.
from me:
1- launch my substack in jan despite all the fear here we gooo (the focus is on mothers and caregivers returning to creativity to uncover their new selves)
really excited about your newsletter--there's some really great stuff on caregiving and creativity happening on substack right now, and lots of interest in it! I run an interview series, good creatures, on my newsletter about that (, and you might also be interested in Heidi Fiedler's Mothers Who Make (
It feels like I'm breathing life into these goals by putting them out here like this so thanks for the opportunity! I'd like to launch my substack newsletter, consistently produce freelance output (read this language on someone's else's goals and am shamelessly acquiring it!) and continue to engage in new and different forums/online courses etc. with other writers to build /strengthen my community. Cheers to everyone's goals and 2024!!
I am enjoying reading everyone's goals! I just started freelancing at the beginning of this year and while I've had some successes, I've also had plenty of days/weeks where I let my anxiety and fears get the better of me. So one of my biggest goals for the new year is to be more aware of these panic spirals and stop letting them halt forward motion (posting on socials, sending pitches etc.). This particularly applies to the following two goals:
1) Continue to grow my newsletter—After many months of debate, I finally just sent out my first newsletter (via Squarespace)! I'd like to keep this momentum up through 2024.
2) Finish my book proposal—I think my agent may have lost hope in me, but 2024 has gotta be the year to finally finish that proposal.
1. Revise my novel manuscript so that it is ready for an editor, if not an agent.
2. Keep up the momentum with my (new) weekly newsletter.
3. Only pitch publications that pay a minimum of $0.50/word, aiming instead for $1/word or more. (Unless the pub has so much prestige I'd write for free -- and even then, those are the pubs that SHOULD pay that much!)
4. Get 1-2 more anchor clients at that rate.
5. Develop a foolproof fact-checking system. (THIS is something I'd love to see you cover, Tim.)
Build my substack into a thriving community of people rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of trauma. Think podcasts, resources and a meaningful contribution toward changing how we think about trauma and recovery.
I basically write about whatever is going on in my life at the time. Recent themes included aging, friendships, the pandemic, (that led to my second book- memoir in essays).
-I do a lot of low-hanging fruit pieces, where editors find me and assign me listicles and easier pieces. I love this! However, I would like to be a bit more conscientious about doing more thoughtful and "serious" pieces that push me and that I can be proud of. Say, three for 2024?
-I'm working on a piece for a goal pub now, but one new goal pub for next year is on my list.
Thanks for this space, Tim! My main goal next year is to finish the first draft of my second novel and receive feedback from my writing workshop groups.
Hiii! I'd like to:
1 - Renew my vows to my newsletter, Disco Diaries, grow its audience, and build out a schedule rather than fly by the seat of my pants
2 - Pitch stories that thrill me instead of always going for low-hanging fruit
3 - Become more aware of my time, where it goes, and how to use it intentionally
Good luck, y'all! Happy almost 2024!
Thanks for asking Tim! My goals are to get a few more regular writing clients and to put more effort into my newsletter. So far, both of these are happening already!
Yesss good luck and keep us posted!
Hi!! ohh I love reading people's goals! Makes it so real. IRL events, Tim! I'd love this.
from me:
1- launch my substack in jan despite all the fear here we gooo (the focus is on mothers and caregivers returning to creativity to uncover their new selves)
2- apply for MFA program
3- hold Italian passport in my hands (!)
4- build 3 additional hours into all my days lol
Love these! I’ll take three more hours too please
really excited about your newsletter--there's some really great stuff on caregiving and creativity happening on substack right now, and lots of interest in it! I run an interview series, good creatures, on my newsletter about that (, and you might also be interested in Heidi Fiedler's Mothers Who Make (
Just subscribed! Looks wonderful!
Ah, thank you! 😊
Nancy, I love your work so much. I'm reading The Long Devotion rn! Thank you for the note and for sending Heidi's work my way, too <3
oh my goodness, thanks so much! that really means the world to me. and hooray for your new newsletter!
Thank you!!
It feels like I'm breathing life into these goals by putting them out here like this so thanks for the opportunity! I'd like to launch my substack newsletter, consistently produce freelance output (read this language on someone's else's goals and am shamelessly acquiring it!) and continue to engage in new and different forums/online courses etc. with other writers to build /strengthen my community. Cheers to everyone's goals and 2024!!
I am enjoying reading everyone's goals! I just started freelancing at the beginning of this year and while I've had some successes, I've also had plenty of days/weeks where I let my anxiety and fears get the better of me. So one of my biggest goals for the new year is to be more aware of these panic spirals and stop letting them halt forward motion (posting on socials, sending pitches etc.). This particularly applies to the following two goals:
1) Continue to grow my newsletter—After many months of debate, I finally just sent out my first newsletter (via Squarespace)! I'd like to keep this momentum up through 2024.
2) Finish my book proposal—I think my agent may have lost hope in me, but 2024 has gotta be the year to finally finish that proposal.
I started freelancing in July and can totally relate to the anxiety, Maya! Keep up the great work, and good luck with your goals.
Secure a regular [redacted], consistent freelance output, continue podcasting on food history
Hear you on consistency 😬😬😬
Love this, Tim!
1. Revise my novel manuscript so that it is ready for an editor, if not an agent.
2. Keep up the momentum with my (new) weekly newsletter.
3. Only pitch publications that pay a minimum of $0.50/word, aiming instead for $1/word or more. (Unless the pub has so much prestige I'd write for free -- and even then, those are the pubs that SHOULD pay that much!)
4. Get 1-2 more anchor clients at that rate.
5. Develop a foolproof fact-checking system. (THIS is something I'd love to see you cover, Tim.)
Oof, OK, I'm gonna say it:
Build my substack into a thriving community of people rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of trauma. Think podcasts, resources and a meaningful contribution toward changing how we think about trauma and recovery.
Wow that sounds amazing, can't wait to see what's to come!
Start writing another memoir. ( I have already published two with a small press)
Publish more essays. Get published in the Washington Post
Get another anchor client.
I'd like to publish more essays as well! Do you have any consistent themes you tend to write about or no two are alike?
I basically write about whatever is going on in my life at the time. Recent themes included aging, friendships, the pandemic, (that led to my second book- memoir in essays).
I also write a lot about my neighborhood.
-I do a lot of low-hanging fruit pieces, where editors find me and assign me listicles and easier pieces. I love this! However, I would like to be a bit more conscientious about doing more thoughtful and "serious" pieces that push me and that I can be proud of. Say, three for 2024?
-I'm working on a piece for a goal pub now, but one new goal pub for next year is on my list.
Hey Tim! I love your goals. I would totally attend an IRL event.
I have a few goals:
• continue to grow my newsletter
• start interviewing people who hire freelancers and share with my paid members
• get better health insurance (I chose the cheapest plan this year)
• lean into LinkedIn and Threads and grow a following on both platforms
• say "no" more often
Thanks for this space, Tim! My main goal next year is to finish the first draft of my second novel and receive feedback from my writing workshop groups.
My two main goals are 1. Continuing to post regularly here on Substack and 2. Getting into a better daily routine of meditation and proper diet.
Best of luck to everyone!
I would be in such a different place if I had a resource like FWT when I started out in freelancing; I'm grateful to be here now.
I'm aiming high for 2024:
1. Get that last letter of recommendation - the big one
2. Apply to grad school (and get in!)
3. Climb a new mountain (maybe the one that's 5 minutes from my house!)
4. Invest in my relationship with my spouse. Period.
Thanks for your kind words, so glad it’s helpful! Please let me know if I can do anything to assist!
My goal is to have my March 2023 invoice for a publication be paid before March 2024 hits :'(
Oooof, feel that one
Start doing more brand strategy and consulting (currently just write for brands) and I want to be in Vogue!
Wonderfully specific and achievable goals, smart!